Ideas to Make Your Move and Home More Eco-Friendly

With a few small changes, everyone can help the environment. Moving to a new home is a great way to sort through and recycle items you no longer need. Taking a moment to consider how you pack and transport your things can help you jump start your way to more eco-friendly home. Check out these tips for a smooth and “greener” move.


1.Use Reusable Packaging

When you think of moving, the first thing that comes to mind is likely a bunch of cardboard boxes. While they are recyclable, the average two bedroom home requires at least 60 boxes to move. To help cut this number down, seek out used boxes. Depending on their quality, most boxes can be used 3-5 times. You can even find them for free if you go to the right places.

To cut out cardboard all together, opt for recycled plastic storage bins. These babies can be used up to 400 times. Ask around to see if friends and family have some extra ones they can lend you. If you’re working with a moving company, ask them if they offer rental bins. Often, this option can be more cost effective than buying new boxes.

Get smart with the materials you already have. Instead of using bubble wrap and messy packaging peanuts, wrap your belongings in towels and blankets. Newspaper and egg cartons work great for smaller fragile items. If you can’t go without your traditional moving materials, seek out specially marked biodegradable bubble wrap and packaging paper. Just make sure you properly dispose of them afterward.

2.Eco-friendly Transportation

This tip goes hand in hand with a green move. Since environmental issues have become greater, many industries are working towards a zero emissions approach. Moving companies (like us!) now offer rental trucks that run on cleaner bio-diesel fuels, and sometimes you can even rent similar options if you choose to do the move yourself.

Find ways to lighten the overall load. Figure out what your necessities are, and donate the rest; because not only will you be able to fit everything into one truck, you’ll find yourself making fewer trips.

3.New Home, New Habits

Moving is a great opportunity to assess how you’ve been living, and what changes can be done to do your part in helping the environment. Hundreds of tips are available such as:

  • Turn off water when you’re brushing your teeth
  • Invest in energy saving appliances
  • Open windows to allow sunlight to naturally warm rooms
  • Cuddle up in a cozy blanket instead of using heat
  • Replace your regular light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFL)

It only takes about 21 days for new habits to become routine, and you’ll be able to pass down these habits to your family and friends.

Going green is a lot simpler than you may think. With a couple of changes here and there, you’ll easily be on your way to an eco-friendly move and overall better environment. In doing so you’ll feel great, and Mother Earth will too.



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